Friday, January 30, 2009


These guys are so cute! I found them on I've been having puppy fever really bad lately. I know it may not be the smartest choice right now, but they are so cute and lovable and I really need some companionship right now. One is named Sarge and one is Li'l Jack. They are located at different breeders in SW MO... close to Sherry and Chris! We might go visit one day soon! Yes, I remember how big a brat Lucky was.... haha. But she turned out to be a pretty cool dog and a great friend to me the past 8 years. I was thinking just today how she used to steal John's crossword pencils off the table. I used to get a big kick out of that but it really made him mad! He would be working on one, get up to go do something else for a while, then come back and the pencil would be gone! Lucky was sneaky that way. Nobody could catch her in the act but you knew who did the deed!

The knee is doing better. I can walk, kinda sorta. Just don't ask me to run any races any time soon!

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